Commitment: Reverse Loss & Creates Opportunity
I sit in awe of the relevance of this topic in this space of chaotic full moon energy. I decided to plan the rest of the 2020 blog posts back in May based around oracle card readings. I pulled out my July read notes and it gave me chills as to how relevant for me personally. So not only is this blog to share insight with you, it simultaneously allows me to dig deep, into my present circumstances for my own clarity. A true public diary and collective win-win.
As we still practice social distancing and walk our way into mandatory mask dialogues, most of us, even in the grace of not suffering through the virus have on a spiritual/emotional level, been pushed, and pulled. And stretched. And torn. And re-stitched. We have been called to imagine new ways of existing and being that have stretched us in our creativity as we have been torn away from comforts and traditional ways of doing things.
Behind the scenes has been just as intense with these exact same themes at play.
The release of old systems, processes and commitments. Its easy to see habits as commitments when we think in terms of our jobs and our scheduled work week. Especially when in the physical world this arena has experience great shift, with many new work from home positions. These habits though, they are not so easy to see as commitments when they are not as seamlessly woven in a day to day order. The habit of the gym once a week, or even getting together with friends in free time.
As I explore my own habits, it becomes a deeper exploration of things like intentions, values, goals, and vision.
It seems that this season has us purging of those habits that don't align with these concepts and becoming serious about just what our habits are creating. (What have our habits as a society created that we can see that may have lead to this uncomfortable space of so many critical global issues?)
Anything you take to doing habitually, you have an unspoken commitment with. You have committed with your time, your energy and effort. You have made an investment.
Did what you invest in stand to bring a return that supports your intentions, values, goals or vision?
If so, great! This is a good habit to have. It is growing you up to your divine self.
Or did this investment leave you unfulfilled, unbalanced and needing a reset? These feelings of being pulled outside of yourself, is you maybe extending beyond, what it is you should be centered on.
We center ourselves to our values, goals, vision and intention through our commitments.
As I learn more on emotion. I recognize the need for structure and commitment to build anything solid and beneficial to self or anyone else.
What you commit to, is a direct indication of what you will build.
I personally have realized the hideous structures that I have had to demo because of commitments that did not align with what I truly desired and instead were based on perceived inadequacies that I needed to fill. Lack.
Lack is a hard perspective to shift during a pandemic and times of uncertainty and just in experiences of poverty in general.
So with anything it is best to hold first a commitment to yourself. Your own peace. Your own clarity. Your own happiness. Commitment to yourself and your needs is the very foundation to any other commitment that may come with others.
This is the best self love. Filling your own cup as a priority. This replenishes any cup that may have been spilled or drank bare to allow for restoration of the full fountain that flows in you. And from this fountain you can well nourish almost anything that aligns with your commitments and relish in the opportunity gracefully and lovingly.
Your best commitment will always be to your highest self and good.
As we still practice social distancing and walk our way into mandatory mask dialogues, most of us, even in the grace of not suffering through the virus have on a spiritual/emotional level, been pushed, and pulled. And stretched. And torn. And re-stitched. We have been called to imagine new ways of existing and being that have stretched us in our creativity as we have been torn away from comforts and traditional ways of doing things.
Behind the scenes has been just as intense with these exact same themes at play.
The release of old systems, processes and commitments. Its easy to see habits as commitments when we think in terms of our jobs and our scheduled work week. Especially when in the physical world this arena has experience great shift, with many new work from home positions. These habits though, they are not so easy to see as commitments when they are not as seamlessly woven in a day to day order. The habit of the gym once a week, or even getting together with friends in free time.
As I explore my own habits, it becomes a deeper exploration of things like intentions, values, goals, and vision.
It seems that this season has us purging of those habits that don't align with these concepts and becoming serious about just what our habits are creating. (What have our habits as a society created that we can see that may have lead to this uncomfortable space of so many critical global issues?)
Anything you take to doing habitually, you have an unspoken commitment with. You have committed with your time, your energy and effort. You have made an investment.
Did what you invest in stand to bring a return that supports your intentions, values, goals or vision?
If so, great! This is a good habit to have. It is growing you up to your divine self.
Or did this investment leave you unfulfilled, unbalanced and needing a reset? These feelings of being pulled outside of yourself, is you maybe extending beyond, what it is you should be centered on.
We center ourselves to our values, goals, vision and intention through our commitments.
As I learn more on emotion. I recognize the need for structure and commitment to build anything solid and beneficial to self or anyone else.
What you commit to, is a direct indication of what you will build.
I personally have realized the hideous structures that I have had to demo because of commitments that did not align with what I truly desired and instead were based on perceived inadequacies that I needed to fill. Lack.
Lack is a hard perspective to shift during a pandemic and times of uncertainty and just in experiences of poverty in general.
So with anything it is best to hold first a commitment to yourself. Your own peace. Your own clarity. Your own happiness. Commitment to yourself and your needs is the very foundation to any other commitment that may come with others.
This is the best self love. Filling your own cup as a priority. This replenishes any cup that may have been spilled or drank bare to allow for restoration of the full fountain that flows in you. And from this fountain you can well nourish almost anything that aligns with your commitments and relish in the opportunity gracefully and lovingly.
Your best commitment will always be to your highest self and good.
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