When the Flow Stops & You’re Called to be Still

Inspired of our recent shift in world perspective, the devastation of COVID-19, has shifted not only the way we spend our time but our values, collectively and very personally. One of the biggest revelations for many is how much so they have lived on auto-pilot in pursuits that can so easily be...shifted. This simple concept instantly sparked my mind to mild jog. 

Society and the environment we live in, peer influence or family, has always had a major impact in laying the roads that we individually use our power of choice to traverse. Born into a pre-existing flow, oftentimes we keep with it, never pulling head up for a moment to see dry land.  At best, the Salmon rebelled and went in another direction. 

(Random info in the spirit of my water and fish analogy: 
The first land walking fish is known as the Tiktaalik and its strong fins allowed it to use them like legs. These are speculated to be the first four-limbed vertebrates.

You get my point. The flow of life as it has been, has done a great job of having us to suppress our dreams and alienate our very own selves and potential. We are taught to do as we are told to do until we take on responsibilities of doing the work we HAVE to do we are led to believe.

A viscous, unfulfilling cycle that ushers us quickly to stress and then death. A flow that’s been disrupted through suffering, that needed to come to its end. 

Toxic waters. In the process of our building dams (industry and quality of life) we were creating pristine pools to show the world while stagnant waters were beginning to reek to high heavens in the shadows. 

To have a moment not dictated to you by an imposing wave is a time to be treasured. How many occasions have you been given to chart your own course? To reimagine yourself and your future? 

Sadly, we live in such a fast paced world that many haven’t had the opportunity to unpack themselves. 

Have you learned anything about yourself since we slipped into our dystopian dance in March? 

How do you feel without those things outside of yourself that you once formed your self esteem and identity around?

What old thing that once made you happy, have you reconnected with? 

Truth is, when you are still, you realize how numb you have really been in order to survive.

When the flow has stopped...and you are called to be still, the worst thing you can do is fill this new found empty space with fear and worry. 

Use the space and pause of time to know, nurture and fall in love with those suppressed and gestating parts of you. The parts you never met in the fast life of the flow, embrace them. That thing you’ve always wanted to do, trust in now to do it. That new thing that irritates you, come to a reason why and make peace. 

Realize that you alone have been given a passion and a purpose that existed before this flow, and all the energy it pressures onto you. Use the remainder of this time of social distancing and curfews to reconnect to your inner God-wisdom and begin flowing beyond the limiting constructs of this limiting environment. What’s in your heart, is what’s healthy for you.
