Behind the scenes of the Coronavirus Scare

We have all heard of it at this point as mass hysteria takes holds and coronavirus spreads across the United States and Canada.

What is this Coronavirus?

Coronavirus comes from the horseshoe bat found in China and causes SARS or severe acute respiratory syndrome that affects the cells of the airway. Scientist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill  under the direction of Ralph Baric engineered a virus with the coronavirus genome in 2015- with results published in Nature Medicines. This synthesis evolved the virus from bats, to mice and allowed it to evolve without a human host. This was very controversial because of a concept the science community calls gain-of-function. Basically it was asked if the ends justified the means of this risky research. A virologist at Paris Paster Institute warned that if the new virus escaped that its trajectory could not be determined. Even in 2015 the bio-safety and bio-security risk were evident in the creation of this new-non natural risk posed for humanity.

This virus is biological technology. Viruses have been created since 1987 when researchers at Chiron began cloning and sequencing virus genomes. The firsts...Hep C and HPV. Both of which now have vaccinations that insert these into the genetic data of humans as a "safety pre-caution"

What exactly is a VIRUS?

First discovered in 1901 by Waller Reed. Viruses are all around us and we are always in contact with them. We breathe them in, we ingest them every second of each day. All life has some sort of virus designed to infect it. Even other viruses and bacteria are susceptible to viruses. Smaller than bacteria and needing an electron microscope to see, viruses are non-living, organic matter. (How a thing can be non-living and organic is an entire blog post in itself that should spark your interest as it relates to our current food trend of veganism and "organic") The outside of these viruses are covered in a protein and contain inside- genetic materials, RNA and/or DNA. To be a threat to our health and well being, the virus needs to find a home.

Home for a virus is a susceptible cell. A living part of an organism that will allow it to set up shop and manufacture proteins and replicate its genetic coding. When a cell is infected with a virus it begins to reproduce this new gene information. Genes are what give us the code to be us! Functional and well humans.

By joining proteins, viruses attack and eventually explode the cell, killing it, to become "viral". But again before this happens a cell needs to be weakened and susceptible to the attachment of the virus.  Viruses cause issues that may or may not be seen immediately. Simply put they alter your DNA and allow for some sort of dis-ease, be it a cold (which is caused by a virus) or herpes that lay dormant until bodily conditions allow for emergence.

It is important to note that not all viruses are bad. In fact the origins of life may have been a virus infecting a bacteria which has lead to the domination of complex cellular life, i.e US! Even currently, HIV is being used to reprogram cells to prevent certain cancers.

Viruses are a means to evolution or degeneracy. 

Because viruses are not alive (biological) they do not respond well to anti-biotics. They are neither fungus for the use of anti-fungals. Both of these things have life and are alive. Viruses can't be classified! These "entities" come in different shapes and with different programs (enzymes or outer envelops) that allow them to "target" their hosts. Viruses are very particular in who and where they affect. ALL living things can be a host- humans, animals, plants. 

Traditionally viruses have been controlled with vaccinations. Polio virus in the 1950's and 60's began this madness of inserting live, killed or impartial subunits of a virus into the population for "immunity". What followed was the childhood vaccination schedule. This is a play on our intelligence as vaccines are only useful against viruses that don't mutate and only affect humans. (Most viruses today have come to us from other species in the animal kingdom.)

How do we PROTECT ourselves from biological warfare tactics?

With the coronavirus or any other epidemic or outbreak it is important to know what our defenses are. Our defenses are those things that lead to optimal health and wellbeing even when no threat is present. Strong bodies and immune systems will allow the body to defend itself as it was designed to. Remember it is only compromised systems that are infected generally. 

The original thoughts behind hygiene & sanitation had very little to do with Purex hand soaps and sanitizers (even though they have a place) but instead these were concepts that made clean the inner world, mind and body. 

Natural hygiene includes diet, nutrition, physical fitness and peace of mind in addition to external factors (where we now focus) like personal cleanliness, efficient sanitation, waste disposal and clean water.

Simply ways to resist being the host to a virus are: 

1. Eat in moderation. Over-eating weakens the body and the defense systems. You only need as much fuel in as you put out daily.

2. Consume fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts as the primary source of your bodies fuel needs. Proper nourishment is essential for proper immune function. Choose alkaline foods. Dr.Sebi has given humanity a great gift with his works and teachings summarized in the bio-mineral foods guide.

3. Drink lots and lots of water. Dehydration makes you more susceptible to all manners of dis-ease including viruses.

4. Reduce the amount of sugar you consume. Sugar literally stops the immune functions and grows those things we should starve.

5. Keep your mood and spirit HIGH! It has been scientifically shown that certain dis-eases can only live in low vibrations. Cancer for instance has been found to vibrate around 40Hz. This vibration resonates with HOPELESSNESS, APATHY and FEAR.

The very things such news of a coronavirus creates lower our vibration to become susceptible to it.

When we pair this with the recent devastation of Kobe Bryant, we can see that our collective consciousness is taking an extreme blow during a time where the energies for healing and wellness are very high. This opposition is dangerous and can be countered with your awareness and due-diligence.

Without you being an active factor, we can see how topics like forced vaccinations and restrictions to travel manifest in building a prison planet.

You are in control of more than you realize. Vibe higher!

***I have services and products (like an anti-viral herb blend, mood enhancement tinctures and meal plans) to assist you in not only resisting coronavirus but living your very best life.  I can be contacted via email at if you would like to learn of these offerings. ***

Always be prepared... and well! 



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