The Heart Chakra and Healing an Overactive Imbalance

Colors: green-pink  Energies: limitless compassion, empathy, love Symbol: Cross, Star of David
Metals/Stones: copper, rose quartz, tourmaline Scents: ylang-ylang, rose, jasmine Organs: thymus gland, diaphragm, circulatory system, breasts, lungs, blood Musical Scale:Yoga Poses: fish/locust/cobra Element: Air

Called the Anahata in Sanskrit, the heart is the center of the bodies energy system. The heart center links the upper and lower chakras together. 

Often when we think of blockages in this area we think from a lack outlook. Not sharing. Not BEing loving or concerned. But heart blockages occur also from this center being overactive. 

It's like the minds ADHD in the chest. A hyper-perception and confusion of purpose and place. 

The heart is where the upper altruistic aspirations, meet the personal goals through how we give and receive with others, people with an overactive imbalance of the heart tend to be more comfortable giving than in receiving. 

This is often rooted in an experience where they were neglected love and were made to feel that love was something to be earned. 

A positive outlook to painful situations, while a very valuable coping mechanism, is amplified to a point here that sometime negates personal best interest, a delusion of sorts.

In relations this can be experienced as trouble with boundaries and discernment.  

Sometimes all there is to see is what there is to see. These people always see the good or beauty or lesson and have a power to forgive, even if foolishly. These are the martyrs and victims...unto themselves.

When overactive, symptoms include:  loving indiscriminately, lack of proper boundaries, over-tolerating, acceptance without discernment, lose of identity, giving without restraint, co-dependency, the "yes-man"

These situations bring for the person more situations where they don't feel loved causing subsequent feelings of grief, sadness, loss, anger, jealousy, hate, misery, loneliness, resentment, etc. 

The open heart can be a beautiful thing- it must be tempered with the wisdom of the mind.

Without this temperance, such negative feelings and the strain of them creates physical issues of irregular heart beat, high blood pressure, heart attack, heart disease, and ailments of the lungs.

An overactive heart center was the "higher road" to hurtful circumstances as opposed to blocking or closing it off. This takes a great deal of strength and is truly a beautiful show of spirit and the power of heart. The harm here is that the heart is developing improperly- artificially, so to speak- with your conscious programming to override the experience of FEELING. I suppose this is beneficial so long as the self-talk be rooted in a foundation of what is your truth, universally.

How we Balance the Overactive Heart

How do we handle the overflow of a cup? 

We balance the heart by recalibrating the entire system to catch, share and support this fullness of energy. Tone the heart by atoning the system. When something is overactive, something somewhere else is under-active. We have to do the work. 

This is the Law of Compassion. Until you are able to discern specific imbalances of the heart-work to heal all of the energy centers. 

It is imperative for empaths, indigos, lightworkers and "feelers" to get out into nature. This helps with managing the over-active heart and is harmonized by the green and beauty of flowers. 

Opportunities to be still and connect with yourself on deeper levels will prove important. Meditate. 

The heart is also governed by the element of air. Getting as much of it fresh is helpful as is breathe and body work. Yoga.

The heart being over-active reminds us that we are first due to be compassionate to ourselves as we are foremost in giving and loving to make ourselves happy.

Everyone benefits from an overflowing heart and a well taken steward of its powers. 


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