The Purpose and Trap of the Ego

I had a beautiful conversation with one of my accountability and business partners this rising. He keeps me focused on the "bigger picture" in navigating my highly spirited self in this business world, where I, the Pisces, am literally a fish out of water.

None the less, as it would be our conversation drifted to the trapping of the ego. A value that he possesses, I find great value in he informs me that not everyone sees in the same way.

We got to thinking on what it is that could hinder the help of someone who is holding a best interest for you.

We concluded that it was the Ego. Sometimes when our ego is in the way, it hurts or angers us when someone who knows us intimately offers correction. We automatically take a position of defense instead of accountability.

To give you the meat and potatoes...the ego is absolutely essential but requires a continuous recalibration.

I will explain.

The ego is what guides the spirt vessel in making the decisions that are best for the Self. It is the ego that makes decisions based around experiences, emotions, intelligence or any other process of receiving information. It is the ego that tells you that eating an apple is better than eating a cookie for breakfast, if that so be your rationale.

The ego is a protection mechanism that protects our path to purpose by triggering in us and our engagements...the "rules" of said interaction.

The trapping of this survival mechanism is that some of the stimuli that we use to make our decision is invalid, outdated, impartial or misunderstood. This leads us to make future decisions that do not best serve our final destination because we are still in the old lessons.

Think of how often we judge things wrong. These pre-judgements although formed from real to you experiences, are not based in the reality of NOW. The energy of the past, smothers, murders the opportunities in the present, that could get you closer to your future.

All because you did not slay your ego out of fear that your next experience...would be like that last one. The ego is to be weighed with the current mood, environment and what's real in that moment.

Always remember that the only constant is change. Don't let your ego leave you stagnant in the sea of possibility. Holding on to old shit, may be hindering opportunity.

Knowing what to keep. Knowing what to leave. Is wisdom.


Be present.



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